Rocky Mountain HomeBrew Challenge

Thank yall for a great RMHBC!
Results can be found on reggieber

Congrats to the Weizguys Homebrew Club, who took home this year’s Firkin!

Competition Details
  • Competition Reggie Beer Link for registration
  • Competition Date: October 5th 2024
  • Registration Window: July 31st to September 18th 2024
  • Entrants can cancel registration up to Sept 18 midnight for full refund; no refunds will be issued after that time
  • 5 paid entries per person through August 14th are allowed. On August 15th we will open entries to unlimited, up to the 450 max for the competition. This is to ensure that everyone has a chance to enter.
  • Shipped entries must be received by the 20th of September; it’s your responsibility to get it here by then. Late packages will not be accepted.
  • No cannabis or cannabis products allowed
  • This competition is AHA sanctioned and open to any amateur homebrewer age 21 or older. Beer, mead, and cider is judged according to the most current BJCP guidelines – currently 2021 for beer, 2015 for Mead / Cider.
  • All entries must be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public, and made using private equipment by hobbyist brewers (i.e., no use of commercial facilities or Brew on Premises operations, supplies, etc.).
  • The competition organizers are not responsible for miscategorised entries, mailed entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged.
  • The competition organizers reserve the right to combine styles for judging and to restructure awards as needed depending upon the quantity and quality of entries.
  • Entries will not be returned to entrants.  
  • To ensure the anonymity of entrants, submit two (2) bottles/cans, 10 fluid ounces or larger (187 mL any color bottles for mead ok) with no paper or inked labels, or any other identifying or distinguishing marks on the bottle and/or can. Raised brewery lettering on imported bottles/cans or beverages with national distribution are acceptable but not encouraged.
    • Remove or blur beyond distinction any identifying marks from bottle caps. Solid color bottle caps are acceptable.
    • Caps with identifiable markings that make them unique as determined by the Judge Director with visible symbols, writing, etching, coating, etc. will be disqualified.
  • If there is any doubt that a cap is compliant, it is recommended to apply a coat of opaque black (sharpie) ink to all surfaces of the caps.
  • Qualified judging of all entries is the primary goal of our event. Judges will evaluate and score each entry. The average of the scores will rank each entry in its category. Each flight will have at least one BJCP judge.
  • The Best of Show judging will be determined by a Best of Show panel based on a second judging of the top winners.
Drop Off Locations

The Brew Hut

Boulder Fermentation Supply

Quirky Homebrew Supply

Altitude Brewing and Supply

Old West Homebrew Supply
(Colorado Springs)

Tom’s Brew Shop

Brew Fort
(Fort Collins)

RMHBC Pro-Am Sponsor:

Luki Brewery

RMHBC Sponsor:

Thank you to past sponsors

The Brew Hut

Tom’s Brew Shop

Grimm Brothers Brewhouse

Boulder Fermentation Supply

Quirky Homebrew Supply

Altitude Brewing and Supply

Old West Homebrew Supply
Colorado Springs